Welcome to the Dept. of Human Services & Consumer Sciences
Through teaching, practicums, outreach services, and research, HSCS provides its students with tools to improve the quality of life for individuals and families in the global society.
Whether you are a high school student planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), Child and Family Development (CFDV) or an undergraduate, HSCS is the department for you. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to providing you with a high-quality, student-centered education to achieve your goals.
There is need for family and consumer sciences graduates in many states and careers in this field include Direct Service to Children and Youth Child Care (Child Care Teacher), Cooperative Extension Educator, Support Service to Children and Families Caseworker, Child and Family Advocate, Child Development Director, Community/Human Service Director, Human Development Consultant, Media Relations Director, and Family Financial Consultant among others (http://www.aafcs.org/res/careers/Careers_in_FCS.pdf). Annual mean wages in Child Development and Family and Consumer Sciences vary from as low as $25,000 to as high as $70,000 (U.S. Department of Labor http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm#00-0000.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Kimona Scurlock-Dixon
Assistant Professor: Child & Family Development
Department of Human Services and Consumer Sciences
Telephone: 713-313-7229
E-mail: dixonkk@xsdvoip.com
Dr. Nancy Shepherd
Assistant Professor: Family & Consumer Services
Telephone: 713-313-7212
E-mail: nancy.shepherd@xsdvoip.com